
June 03, 2011

La Casa de al Lado Capitulo 4

La Casa de al Lado Capitulo 4 - In Novelas TV we present La Casa de al Lado Capitulo 4 online for free, this capitulo will be broadcasted on Friday, June 3, 2011.
You can enjoy all the chapters of this spectacular soap opera that is transmitted by the Televisa channel.

La Casa de al Lado : Renato Fabres (Jaime Vadell) is a successful and wealthy businessman who has learned to move with great intelligence and success in the business world. His name is synonymous with power, wealth and lineage. Together with Eva (Coca Guazzini), its harsh woman, are proud of the family who have trained with Ignacia (Luz Valdivieso), Carola (Francisca Lewin) and Benjamin (Pablo Díaz), their three children.

Javier Ruiz-Tagle (Jorge Zabaleta) and Pilar Echenique (María Elena Swett), meanwhile, are perfectionists neighbors. They like to do well, and slowly his stuff. Studied, graduated with honors, got married, had two wonderful children now believe they have the perfect family. So well that all see as a good avenue and loving family.

While many businesses in the Fabres march splendidly, the marriage of Javier and Pilar also seems to have been blessed with a placid and successful. But the unexpected arrival of Gonzalo Ibanez (Alvaro Rudolph) in their lives will change things forever. But even more terrible is that a strange family member Fabres, Leonardo (Cristián Arriagada), hide a secret that held death, tragedy, heartbreak and revenge.

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